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Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

The School Library Role as a Learning Reference for Students

This research background is to describe the school library role as a learning reference for students at SMA N 1 Ngabang Kabupaten Landak in Bahasa Indonesia subject. Based on the analizing and some reviews about school library at this school. The writer conscludes as follows:

First, concerning with membership, there was 92,86% of the student stated that school library is needed for them. Besides 85,71% stated the importance to be school library members. 64,29% stated the members should be active. Therefors, the important point there, is student motivation in accessing school library. Both teacher and students there expressed that school library can be learning reference. In fact 45,71% of student have visited the library because of learning motivation. From the data, the writer concludes that school library at SMA N 1 Ngabang is good enough.

Second, concerning with visiting, 78,57% the students stated visiting library is useful in either for doing school tasks or increasing knowledge. And in fact there at least once a week students visit the library. As the result, the writer conscludes students visit the library is good.

Third, concerning with availabllity of references 71,43% at students stated, reference books for bahasa Indonesia was still unsufficient. And also 75,71% for others media was also unsufficient. However 64,29% expressed studying in the library was comfortable with a good service from the librarian.

Forth, concerning with students activities and attitudes, varius activities browsing books, reading, doing tasks, borrowing, and discussing. The data refers 58,29% of students intiated to acces library especially in bahasa Indonesia. In getting some subject mattens of their classroom tasks. Beside 51,43% of the students often reading and discussion in library. The writer consclude that the activities in the library for students at SMA N 1 Ngabang is positif good.

Fitth, concerning wit references utility of bahasa Indonesia 60% of students had high motivation, 77,14% stated the importance of accessing the library. 61,43% stated it is useful enough in using library. As the result, the writer has a consclusion for references utility as learning source. The libaray can guide positive attitude for students and increasei reading interest.

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